Netherlands – de-poldering the Noordwaard
In 2015 the Noordwaard de-poldering project was completed. By means of lowering embankments, formerly protecting an agricultural area from high water levels in the Merwede river, controlled flooding can occur in the flow-through area in times of peak river discharges. Water is channelled towards the Biesbosch freshwater wetlands. As to date (2021) this has not taken place yet, but the main projects was supported by a number of smaller measures to restore tidal dynamics along the polder’s outer borders. These interventions have stimulated land-water interactions and ecological diversity in the area.

Highlights/key insights
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Click here to view the powerpoint slides as presented during the symposium
Additional information
Martijn F. van Staveren, Jeroen F. Warner, Jan P.M. van Tatenhove & Philippus Wester (2014) Let’s bring in the floods: de-poldering in the Netherlands as a strategy for long-term delta survival? Water International, 39:5, 686-700.
Margo van den Brink, Jurian Edelenbos, Adri van den Brink, Stefan Verweij, Rudi van Etteger, Tim Busscher (2019) To draw or to cross the line? The landscape architect as boundary spanner in Dutch river management. Landscape and Urban Planning 186, 13-23.