Bangladesh – Tidal River Management
In an attempt to resolve river siltation and water logging in several of the beelds/polders in the southwest delta of Bangladesh, Tidal River Management is being practiced. By removing an embankment section, tidal dynamics are restored. Twice daily, water flows into the beels or polders, deposits silt on the land, and by moving out scours the river bed to bring it in better shape. After several years, the embankment section is closed and land can be taken into cultivation again.
Highlights/key insights
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Click here to view the powerpoint slides as presented during the symposium
Additional information
Animesh K. Gain, David Benson, Rezaur Rahman, Dilip Kumar Datta, Josselin J. Rouillard (2017) Tidal river management in the south west Ganges-Brahmaputra delta in Bangladesh: Moving towards a transdisciplinary approach? Environmental Science & Policy 75, 111-120.
Mahmuda Mutahara, Jeroen F. Warner, Arjen E. J. Wals, M. Shah Alam Khan & Philippus Wester (2018) Social learning for adaptive delta management: Tidal River Management in the Bangladesh Delta. International Journal of Water Resources Development 34:6, 923-943.